O Open Anthropology Cooperative Press é um novo jornal online que está aceitar a submissão de textos para Working Series na área da Antropologia Física, da Arqueologia e da Antropologia Social.
A definição de Working Series é a seguinte:
The OAC Press launches the Working Papers Series to promote intellectual exchange within and outside the universities. We hope to bring what anthropologists have to say to the attention of the general public and invite everyone to take part in our debates. Each paper published will be linked to an open discussion thread in the OAC network. We will select work in progress that offers readers timely and relevant ideas and authors feedback for revision. The papers will be presented here in various formats and at several stages of their evolution. We place no restriction on publication elsewhere. The point is to refresh an ongoing conversation about anthropology and the world we live in.
A conduta dolosa da Ciência?
Um prémio Nobel da Física, Heinrich Rohrer a escrever acerca das fraudes
em ciência, no Público.
Há 12 anos